Technology for Non-Technical Managers Syllabus

Note: This is a sample syllabus. The real, updated syllabus is located at, which is password-protected and is available for students and guests only.

Washington University in St. Louis

U48 Comm 341 Technology for Non-Technical Managers
Summer 2008
M-F 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
2-6 June
January Hall 10A

Instructor: Scott Granneman

Adjunct Professor
Washington University in St. Louis
Don't Click on the Blue E!: Switching to Firefox (O'Reilly: 2005)
Hacking Knoppix (Wiley & Sons: 2005)
Linux Phrasebook (Pearson: 2006)
Podcasting with Audacity: Creating a Podcast with Free Audio Software (Prentice Hall: 2007)
Google Apps Deciphered: Compute in the Cloud to Streamline Your Desktop (Prentice Hall: 2008)
Mac OS X Snow Leopard for Power Users: Advanced Capabilities and Techniques (Apress: 2010)
Contributor, Ubuntu Hacks (O'Reilly: 2006) &Microsoft Vista for IT Security Professionals (Syngress: 2007)
Former columnist for SecurityFocus &Linux Magazine
Former professional Blogger for Download SquadThe Open Source Weblog (also see personal blog)
Full list of publications at /writing
Business Owner
Principal, WebSanity
Contact Info
scott at granneman dot com
314-644-4900 (office)
314-780-0489 (mobile)
Twitter: scottgranneman

Course Description

This course is designed for managers involved in making business decisions involving technology. Students are expected to know how to use a computer, but this course is not a hands-on tutorial. Instead, we discuss a range of issues focusing around modern technologies used by businesses around the world. Topics include networking, communications, open source software, Content Management Systems, computer based training, Web services, Web site usability, wireless, productivity tools, and more.

Required Texts & Resources

Readings will consist of articles, analyses, & ephemera from the Internet & other sources. All readings will be done in class.


Your grade will be based on the following factors:

Grades will be based on an average of the above as follows:

94-100 A
89-93 A-
86-88 B+
83-85 B
79-82 B-
76-78 C+
73-75 C
69-72 C-
66-68 D+
63-65 D
59-62 D-
0-58 F

Projects and papers will be graded for correctness and completeness. All assignments turned in to me must be neatly typed using letter-quality type. Students failing to present the information completely, neatly, and in the prescribed format will receive minimal credit for their work. Students should double-check assignments for spelling and grammar before submitting them.

Accommodation of disabilities: If you have a disability that might affect your ability to complete the required assignments, please contact me during the first week of class to discuss an accommodation.

Academic Integrity

This course will follow Washington University's policies concerning academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty may result in failure for the assignment in question and/or referral to the appropriate individuals in the University College office, which has discretion to impose a stricter penalty. While academic dishonesty includes cheating on exams and quizzes, it also includes plagiarism in written assignments. Plagiarism is not only passing off someone else's work as your own, but also giving your work to someone else to pass off as their own. It also includes submitting work from another course. Academic dishonesty includes the following:

  1. Cheating: Using or attempting to use crib sheets, electronic sources, stolen exams, unauthorized study aids in an academic assignment, or copying or colluding with a fellow student in an effort to improve one's grade.
  2. Fabrication: Falsifying, inventing, or misstating any data, information, or citation in an academic assignment, field experience, academic credentials, job application or placement file.
  3. Plagiarism: Using the works (i.e. words, images, other materials) of another person as one's own words without proper citation in any academic assignment. This includes submission (in whole or in part) of any work purchased or downloaded from a Web site or an Internet paper clearinghouse.
  4. Facilitating Academic Dishonesty: Assisting or attempting to assist any person to commit any act of academic misconduct, such as allowing someone to copy a paper or test answers.

While I strongly encourage you to discuss your work with each other in and out of class, and while you may research issues together, your writing should be your own. The papers you submit must be your work alone, and must include citations to all references in your work. Please include the URL, or Web address, for articles and resources found on the Internet.








Knowledge Management


Business & Commerce

LAN Management


08 am


Evolution of the Web

E-commerce intro


Proprietary Licensing

09 am

Information Literacy

Good & Bad Web Design

IT Vendor/Customer Relationship


Open Standards, Open Source

10 am


Web Development Process

Growth of E-Commerce & Payment Systems

Operating Systems

Digital Rights Management

11 am

Knowledge Management

Content Management Systems

Marketing & Advertising


Intellectual Property

12 pm






01 pm

Flattening Hierarchies

Programming Languages

Privacy Policies



02 pm

Computing History 1968-1979


Employee-Public Communications

Resource Management


03 pm

Computing History 1980-1989

Web Services

Legal Issues

IT Investment & ROI


04 pm

Computing History 1990-now

Exercise: Web Site Decisions

Exercise: Policy Creation

Exercise: Budgeting a LAN

Exercise: Future Trends

WebSanity Top Secret