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Mac OS X Snow Leopard for Power Users

If you want to dig deeper into Mac OS X and maximize your skills and productivity using the world’s slickest and most elegant operating system, then this is the book for you.
Google Apps Deciphered: Compute in the Cloud to Streamline Your Desktop

Google Apps Deciphered is a guide to setting up Google Apps, migrating to it, customizing it, and using it to improve productivity, communications, and collaboration.
Podcasting with Audacity: Creating a Podcast With Free Audio Software

Podcasting with Audacity is designed to get you podcasting as quickly as possible using Audacity, of the most popular software programs for creating podcasts (& a whole lot more!).
Microsoft Vista for IT Security Professionals

Microsoft Vista for IT Security Professionals is designed for the professional system administrators who need to securely deploy Microsoft Vista in their networks.
Linux Phrasebook

Linux Phrasebook is all about the Linux command line, and it’s perfect for both Linux newbies and experienced users.
Ubuntu Hacks

The Ubuntu distribution simplifies Linux by providing a sensible collection of applications, an easy-to-use package manager, and lots of fine-tuning, which make it possibly the best Linux for desktops and laptops
Hacking Knoppix

Hacking Knoppix will transform your ordinary powerless Knoppix-curious individual into a fearsome Knoppix ninja, able to right wrongs, recover data, and vanquish the forces of ignorance and Windows usage once and for all.
Don’t Click on the Blue E!: Switching to Firefox

Don’t Click on the Blue E! offers non-technical users a convenient roadmap for switching to a better web browser—Firefox.
Books That Didn’t Work Out
Over the years, I’ve been asked to write, or at least contribute an outline for, some books that ultimately didn’t work out. In the interests of history, here are those outlines.