Senior Overview Syllabus

INTM 4620.01 Senior Overview

Webster University
School of Communications
Dept. of Electronic & Photographic Media

Spring 2014
Th 9 a.m.–noon
16 January–8 May 2014
Sverdrup 105

On this page…

    Instructor: Scott Granneman

    You can also read my full CV.

    Course Description

    Students are required to demonstrate their proficiency in interactive media production. Projects may take the form of a portfolio website, a client-driven website, a custom web-based application, an interactive educational experience or a web-based game.

    Prerequisites: Senior Standing, INTM3300, INTM3100

    What You're Going to Learn

    Basically, to prepare you to work on interactive digital media once you leave school.

    Learning Outcomes


    All work must be completed by Thursday, May 8, 2014.

    Your grade will be based on the following factors:

    Make sure you:

    Grades will be based on an average of the above as follows:

    100 A+
    94-99 A
    89-93 A-
    86-88 B+
    83-85 B
    79-82 B-
    76-78 C+
    73-75 C
    69-72 C-
    66-68 D+
    63-65 D
    59-62 D-
    0-58 F

    The Undergraduate Catalog provides these guidelines & grading options:

    A, A-
    Superior work in the opinion of the instructor
    B+, B, B-
    Good work in the opinion of the instructor
    C+, C, C-
    Satisfactory work in the opinion of the instructor
    D+, D
    Passing, but less than satisfactory work in the opinion of the instructor
    Incomplete work in the opinion of the instructor. If an Incomplete grade is submitted by the instructor, the student & the instructor must have an agreed upon deadline for completion of the required work
    An incomplete which was not completed within one year of the end of the course. All Incompletes should be completed within a much shorter period of time before the automatic ZF is entered on the student’s transcript. This grade of F cannot be undone.
    Unsatisfactory work in the opinion of the instructor
    Withdrawal from the course


    Accommodation of disabilities

    Webster University is committed to providing accommodations and/or services to students with documented disabilities. If you have registered as a student with a documented disability and are entitled to classroom or testing accommodations, please inform me at the beginning of the course.

    Drops and Withdrawals

    The Drop/Add & Withdrawal dates are listed each semester on the University website, in the University catalog, & in the Course Description book. If the course is dropped within the Drop/Add period, no notation of the course will appear on the student’s transcript. Withdrawals that take place after the published Drop date will result in the dreaded “W” appearing on the student’s transcript.


    Some random student assignments or projects may be retained by the School of Communications for the purpose of academic assessment as it relates to student learning outcomes. In those cases, the student’s name and all identifying information about the student will be removed from the assignment or project.

    Academic Integrity

    This course will follow Webster University’s policies concerning academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty will result in failure for the assignment in question & referral to the appropriate individuals, who have discretion to impose a stricter penalty.

    While academic dishonesty includes cheating on exams and quizzes, it also includes plagiarism in written assignments. Plagiarism is not only passing off someone else’s work as your own, but also giving your work to someone else to pass off as their own. It also includes submitting work from another course. While I strongly encourage you to discuss your work with each other in and out of class, and while you may research issues together, your work should be your own.

    Any papers you submit must be your work alone, and must include citations to all references in your work. Please include the URL, or Web address, for articles and resources found on the Internet.

    If you have any questions about academic integrity, please bring them to me before you do anything that may jeopardize your grades, your education, & your future!


    I have no problem with students using a laptop, tablet, or smartphone during class for academic purposes; in fact, I would do the same thing. However, please do not use your personal device (or the computer on your desk) during class to conduct personal business such as Facebook, email, or IMing. This reduces your concentration & participation and distracts others around you. Repeated distractions will reduce your grade for the course. Please do what you need to do to keep cell phone distractions at a minimum.

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